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Our New Blog!

It was long overdue, but our website FINALLY get a facelift! We are now fully functional with TONS of new features to help you guys find what you need, browse more efficiently, and keep you up to date on our goings on. What you may have missed:


Our new home is well-suited for our needs and we can FINALLY put all of our herpetological knick knacks in full display! This move has been a long time coming, so we are very excited. This also means that in preparation for this move, we have SIGNIFICANTLY scaled back (no pun intended) our breeding operations. That said, we have a lot of fun things in store that we are VERY eager to get going and show you guys!

We have a litter of Calicos and ??? due May 13, 2017. Pairing was a red non-visual calico female to a ?? Lavender garden male, and all we know is that we are expecting 50% calico and some crazy reds. However, this is the first time this male has been bred, and he has a lot of "quirks", so we have no idea what to expect! This is the only Amazon litter we are expecting until Fall, so we hope the excitement will hold us over until then lol.

This was also our first time breeding blood pythons!! We had a successful pairing and what looked to be a healthy clutch, but upon candling them, they all seem to be infertile. We will be keeping a close eye on them, and we may try that male one more time just to be certain where the issue lies (male? incorrect cycling parameters?), but only time will tell.

We also got another successful and healthy clutch of 7! ball python eggs from our Mojave x Mojave pairing which are due to pip on May 3, 2017. All eggs candled well and we're super excited to see if we got more Lucy's, and if so, how many. More importantly, we enjoy the opportunity to produce the next generation of educational animals for our sister companies :)

We also got a POS from one of our RDR pairings today, so fingers crossed that we have a healthy dwarf boa litter this summer! Several more ATB pairings are also in the works so more updates on them soon. If anyone would like to be included on our mailing/waiting lists for animals, please feel free to contact us to make sure you're added! Looking forward to what this year will have in store for us!

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