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-Amazon Tree Boas -


ATBs are as fascinating as they are defensive. Their reputations are well deserved! They will never hesitate to strike first and ask questions later, and are generally not recommended for beginners due to this temperament as well as advanced-level husbandry requirements (although some individuals may calm down with regular handling and some can be quite tame from birth, both are uncommon for this species). Cousins of the ever-popular Emerald Tree Boas, and true jewels of the rainforest, these amazingly colored, "angry tree noodles" have many, naturally occuring color and pattern "phases"- NOT morphs! Wild-type ATBs come in any combination of red, orange, yellow, and brown, with patterns such as freckled, "garden phase", bi-color, patternless, and many more. The only true "morphs" available for this species so far are Tiger, Calico, Leopard, Hypo, and Leucistic. This adds to the mystery of breeding these awesome snakes! You never really know what you're going to get. To see our current pairings and their progress, Click Here!

Canopy Cane Calico Amazon Tree Boa

"Calico Jack", our male Calico ATB

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